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About Us

Objectives of the Club are simple and straightforward. We are a non-profit, non-political organization devoted to the promotion of friendly associations among our members, to encourage high standards of business practice throughout the community and to provide a forum.

The focal point of the Club activities is the marine seminar. The interesting slate of speakers, coupled with the opportunity for attendees to interact with each other in a vibrant setting, shall make the marine seminar a truly interacting event.

Monthly luncheons, along with purely social events held throughout the year, shall be planned to provide friendly settings for the club members to get together. Although competitors in one sense, we have a lot in common and much to offer each other.

The Club strives to be an avenue for free and open discussions and exchanges of information that will be of assistance to all members. Today, the club numbers over __75__ active members from all parts of the marine industry here in Kanpur and beyond.

We invite all marine seminar attendees and other interested persons from the maritime industries to meet with us, to exchange ideas with your peers, and to enjoy our common backgrounds and careers.
